Saturday, February 26, 2011

"Home Again"

The trip was a success!!! I made it there and back in good order as did my luggage! Unfortunately while in San Diego I received a souvenir in the form of a speeding ticket!!! Eighty-two in a sixty-five! The weather and scenery is outstanding in California, kinda made me want to stay? The plane ride was pleasant as there were no delays. Actually, a few times the plane arrived at its destination early which was refreshing. It was a bit strange going threw the TSA scanner. They make you stand there with your arms extended above your head and your thumbs touching your head (kinda silly). You stand there for ten to twenty seconds while they zap ya. I couldn't help but wonder who was looking at the scan and what it was they were seeing?  I guess we all have those suicidal idiots who hate America to thank for this? I hope they understand that here in America we are impervious to their tactics, we are still traveling and loving our country! OOOOORAH!!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I'm doing my weekly post early as I have to travel to California early in the morning for business and I'm not sure when I will be able to get in front of a computer again. My plane leaves at something like 5:45 in the morning so I will be getting up early!!! I still have to pack and this is something I hate!! I generally pack WAY too much and tote a few hundred pounds of stuff I don't need but I'm always think I will. I have set a goal to pack as few items as possible, I have actually turned it into a game. I want to see if I can get everything into one bag, I think it is possible. I just hope the bag makes it to my destination with me!!!???!?!? The other thing that has me a bit concerned is driving in California. Although I will pick up a rental that will not be mine I still fear having to deal with all the traffic and rabid drivers out there? Well, I better get out the ONE bag and get to stuffing it!!!! 

Friday, February 11, 2011


It looks like the gig is up for Hosni Mubarak. I think it is awesome that the people of Egypt are taking matters into their own hands and reclaiming their country. The nerve of Mubarak to try and retain control for as long as he did is amazing, you would think that a couple hundred thousand people outside your window screaming for you to leave would be an indication that it is time to leave? The most disturbing bit of information I have read about it concerns Mubarak's net worth. Reports say that Hosni Mubarak is worth eighty billion. Mubarak has been a public servant for thirty-six years and in that amount of time he has managed to accumulate eighty million dollars? He is quiet possibly the best conman this world has ever known. Good luck in retirement Hosni, I hope you find a safe place to hide as the Egyptian people will be looking for you to return their money.

Friday, February 4, 2011


I appreciate any and all who read my blog, I'm just a struggling boxer how likes to talk about the "sweet science." Some say I like boxing  a little too much and suggested that I start a blog to talk about it. Well, although the reason for starting this blog is different than the reason suggested by my friends, it is here nonetheless. Enjoy...


Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Alexander vs Bradley recap"

It appears the fight between Alexander & Bradley was just what the struggling HBO boxing did not need. It was slow, uneventful and anticlimactic. Bradley nonetheless remained undefeated and collected another Junior Welterweight belt. The biggest surprise of the night was HBO's decision to not show any of the under-card? My only guess as to why the network would do such is there must be fiscal issues preventing HBO from spending the money.