Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I'm doing my weekly post early as I have to travel to California early in the morning for business and I'm not sure when I will be able to get in front of a computer again. My plane leaves at something like 5:45 in the morning so I will be getting up early!!! I still have to pack and this is something I hate!! I generally pack WAY too much and tote a few hundred pounds of stuff I don't need but I'm always think I will. I have set a goal to pack as few items as possible, I have actually turned it into a game. I want to see if I can get everything into one bag, I think it is possible. I just hope the bag makes it to my destination with me!!!???!?!? The other thing that has me a bit concerned is driving in California. Although I will pick up a rental that will not be mine I still fear having to deal with all the traffic and rabid drivers out there? Well, I better get out the ONE bag and get to stuffing it!!!! 


  1. I have always wanted to go to California. I don't think I could ever make a flight that early because I am so not a morning person. Hope you had an awesome time even if it was for business and you had a good experience driving there.

  2. You gotta be aggressive in that traffic!!

  3. Wow, I think we have our packing techiniques in common. It's a rare occasion that I can pack luggage and use everything in it. I hate packing with a passion and that is the very last thing I do before I go anywhere or come home. I will wait until it is time to go to bed before I pack. And I am definitely feeling your pain on "driving in all the traffic and rabid drivers." I wouldn't say I have road rage, but I can't stand when people don't know how to drive. It floors me how some people got the license to begin with. I hope you enjoyed your trip.

  4. I'm the same with traffic. I can't drive in places with that kind of traffic. When we've been to Dallas, Chicago or even Denver, we always use public transportation - I would have a nervous breakdown otherwise! :) Have a good trip and stay safe!

  5. I've been to Long Beach and San Francisco. The great thing about SF is you don't need to drive; the public transport was excellent. In Long Beach, I didn't have to go far, so I left the driving to the taxis!

    Have some fun while you're there.

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226
