Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"The Last Blog"

I am a bit sad that this is the last blog, it has been a lot of fun getting to know my classmates. I feel like I am part of you guy's family!!! I have become very interested in reading updates on all the things that is going on in your lives!! It seems like it was yesterday that we started this thing and here we are at the end!! So what is everybody doing this summer? I hope that everybody is got a vacation planned? Anywho, I better get back to work, I have enjoyed everyone tremendously and wish you guys all the best!!!!


  1. Your not the only one who feel this way. I have enjoyed reading everyone's blog weekely. Hope the rest of the semester is great for you.

  2. I agree Elliot reading everyone's blogs made me feel very close to you guys. Well, i did have a trip to Vegas planned, but i figured summer school was more important. Good Luck with everything!!

  3. I have enjoyed it also! I intend to try to keep my blog going! No vacations here...*sigh* with me facing layoff and hubby just about ready to graduate nursing school, I think we're going to have to put off vacation this year. We have wanted to go see our good friends in Montana, so hopefully soon we can do that! Enjoy yourself and I have really enjoyed being critique partners this class! :)

  4. Hi EC! I wanted to comment also about enjoying reading your blogs and everyone else's! I too will miss this class. No big plans for any getaways this summer...I need to work to save some money. Hope everyone enjoys their summer and enjoys the classes that are next for each of us. Good luck to you EC!
    Maria Cimino

  5. I'm glad you connected, Elliott! That's the point of the blog!

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226

  6. Testing to see if I can leave comments...
