Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Blue Jay"

I have a pretty neat situation going on in my backyard. Right outside the window by the breakfast table I have a tree. In this tree a Blue Jay has built a nest and decided to raise the youngsters here. The bird is very dedicated as it sits there in the nest all day long. No matter the weather conditions or the roaming cat that wanders down below the bird just sits there incubating those eggs. It is almost intoxicating watching that bird peacefully sit there after I watched the nest be constructed over the past few weeks. I'm very interested to see the babies come, I think that will be really cool. I have put some bird seed out at the base of the tree but I'm not sure if it is what the Blue Jay likes? Does anybody know what Blue Jays like?

Friday, March 25, 2011

"In New Orleans"

I'm currently in New Orleans for work. The weather has been nice, however I have been trapped in doors so I have not been able to experience much of this! Last night I did have some wonderful cajun food, probably some of the best I've ever eaten! The link I have chosen to list on the blog is to an article on Michele Bachman. I think she would be a great leader as she seems to be both practical and smart. Who knows though, these politicians these days are so hard to read, the talk a great game but are so hard to trust? Anyway, I better finish up my reports before bed, hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Frustration with the cat"

So, about a year and a half ago I was given two cats. This brought my total of cats in the house to three as my mother pushed hers on me four years ago. She asked me to keep her cat, Peaches, for "a week or two" as she was going out of town. As fate would have it, four years later I still have Peaches. Anyway, back to the other two cats. As I stated earlier I was given two male cats about a year and a half ago. I named them Gatti and Thunder to honor the boxer I most respected; Arturo "Thunder" Gatti. I relieved the two cats around the time that Arturo Gatti was found hanging from a noose in an apartment in Brazil. Speculation still surrounds the events that transpired and lead to his death, but to keep his memory alive I gave my two cats his name. Anyway, I had to bury Gatti about two months ago as he was hit by a car, it was hard to do but I had to give him the respect of a proper burial. He was a great cat that I loved a lot. So now I have just Peaches and Thunder. Peaches really does no wrong as she is the perfect pet. However, the same can not be said for Thunder as he has a bad habit of peeing or spraying the furniture every now and again. As a general rule it is always the same part of the same couch. It is possible to lessen the damage it causes extreme steam cleaning, but it seems impossible to fully get the stench out. I'm going to have to totally trash this couch and get a new one. The strange thing is that he doesn't always do it? I dunno, I'm at a loss.........

Saturday, March 12, 2011


This Tsunami is crazy. The images of all the water redesigning the landscape in Japan is mind boggling! Moreover, the nuclear facility that is about to meltdown because of this horrific nightmare is very scary. I read reports that a Tsunami travels ten miles a second, that is hard to imagine. All this reminds me of how fragile life is and how defenseless we are at defending it when the end comes. I hope and pray that the friends and family of those that are lost get through this thing in good order. Reports that 9500 people are missing, from one small town. That is amazing that 9500 are missing from only one town! As bad as this disaster is, the one a few years ago in Asia is believed to have claimed 250,000 lives! That is basically like one day the entire population of Shreveport disappearing!! Imagine how many people that would effect, how many family and friends would suffer a loss in something that devastating. We really do not understand how lucky we are to wake up and make it through the day, life is really fragile and is only on loan to us. I hope and pray for those that suffered a loss in this catastrophe.........

Saturday, March 5, 2011


The weather outside today makes you wanna stay inside and watch movies. I need to do plenty of work for class today so I guess I will be inside, just not watching movies. Last night a buddy of mine from high school came by for dinner and brought his 3 year old daughter with him. It was strange seeing him with a child, kinda made me feel old! However, it is cool to see him and her, I guess that is what life is all about? She was a handful, asked a ton of questions and turned the house upside down!!! He seemed really exhausted, guess that is what a 3 year old does to ya! His wife is away this weekend on business so he is going it alone and I can tell that he is already worn out!! Anyway, I better get to work on my revision, hope everyone has a great weekend!!!