Saturday, March 5, 2011


The weather outside today makes you wanna stay inside and watch movies. I need to do plenty of work for class today so I guess I will be inside, just not watching movies. Last night a buddy of mine from high school came by for dinner and brought his 3 year old daughter with him. It was strange seeing him with a child, kinda made me feel old! However, it is cool to see him and her, I guess that is what life is all about? She was a handful, asked a ton of questions and turned the house upside down!!! He seemed really exhausted, guess that is what a 3 year old does to ya! His wife is away this weekend on business so he is going it alone and I can tell that he is already worn out!! Anyway, I better get to work on my revision, hope everyone has a great weekend!!!


  1. The weather has made me stay in all day with the exception of taking my daughter to swim class this morning and picking up some items from Fairfield grocery store. The weather changed so fast I'm afraid I will get sick so it's school work for me. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Yeah, I stayed in most of today until I was forced out on the mission of buying a new video game for the child...he earned it, though, so it wasn't all that bad. :) Three year olds are definitely a handful! They always talk about "terrible twos" but I am totally convinced that stage doesn't show up til about least for mine it didn't! Glad you had a good day!
